Monday, January 4, 2010

My friend had a BABY today!!!!

Yep folks! That's right and I was one of her doulas!!! I met Kate at church through another friend and she is awesome!! Her due date was Dec 30th, and we througb her a shower yesterday at my house ~ it was great fun and i made the cake!!! I love offering myself through cooking and baking!!!

Anyway, Lisa (the other doula) called me this morning saying that Kate was on her way to the hospital just as Jeremy was on his way out the door to work. We had no plan for someone to watch Rachel so I scrambled for a little while til I called Bethy's Aunt Glada and she said to bring her over ~ Aunt Glada to the rescue!!!! THANK YOU AUNT GLADA!!!!!!

SO i drop off Rachel in the loving and able arms of Aunt Glada and fly to the hospital. Kate is dialated to a 5-6 and Baby Jeremiah is doing well. This was around 10:35ish in the morning. Kate decided the epidural was in order because she was having bad back labor. Lisa got there in time for the epidural shortly after i got there.

Contractions, contractions, contractions, crying in pain, crying in pain, crying in pain *I knew the feeling* then epidural and aaahhhhh Oh thank You Jesus for the wonders of modern medicine!!!!

Kate is progressing well and dialated to a 9, the doctor breaks her water and finds thick merconium ~ could be problems but so far its okay ~ we keep going then Jeremiah's heart rate drops a lot ~ trouble! It goes back up quickly but the nurse says that the doctor might want to do a c-section and Kate starts crying ~ do I know where she is or what?? I talked Kate through to stay calm as much as I could ~ the doctor comes in and checks Kate ~ 10 cm but Jeremiah's heart rate is still doing wierd things ~ dr decides to let Kate push through a few contractions I think it was four maybe five but then Jeremiah's heart rate drops again and dr says we gotta go so Lisa gets ready to go with Kate to the OR ~ they leave Eva and me in the room to wait and pray and cry for Kate

sooo waiting, waiting, waiting then text from Lisa saying come to the room with a smiley face ~ walking down the hall we hear crying from Kate's room ~ we walk in and there he was!!! Little Jeremiah David all beautiful and screaming ~ he was born at 2:55pm was 7 lbs 10 oz and 21 in long ~ When Kate comes back in the room she tells me that when she heard him crying it was all worth it ~ i knew it would be like that!!! Also come to find out from the Dr Little Jeremiah had the cord wrapped around his neck three times and wrapped around his arm!! He was doing acrobatics in mommy's tummy!!!

So there you go ~ another birth story with some hard parts but an amazing ending!!! isn't our God a great God or what????

1 comment:

Beth said...

God is already using your past disappointments to identify with the fears of others. awesome.