Wednesday, December 23, 2009

My favorite part of the day

For the past few months, about every night, after Rachel has fallen asleep i go in a look at her sleeping. I really love doing this!! Its a moment that i treasure each time i do it. Not because "the only time i enjoy her is when she is sleeping" as many cynical parents say. I try to enjoy her throughout the day because I know these times are fleeing and she will be grown before i know it. I love this time because it reminds me that her life is precious and i have been given the privilege by God to raise her into who He created her to become. When i go see her at night, its sacred to me. I breathe her in and relish the time I'm in there with her.

Dear Daddy God,

Thank You so much for my beloved little girl! She is one of the greatest treasures You have given me. Remind me to see her as that gift each day of her life please. When its hard to raise her, remind me, Lord. When I am short on patience and have an extra amount of selfishness, Lord, remind me of who You want Rachel to become and my role in helping her become that. Lord, help me to be the mother to Rachel that she needs me to be. Let me always remember to love You first and give myself wholly to You, Jeremy and Rachel. I love serving You, Jesus!

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