I'm not ready for her to be out of our room yet at night. She has slept in her bassinet in our room since she came home and I really like it!! I like having her close so I can hear her in the night. Most nights, she just moves around and I wake up. This avoids a crying fit that would wake up the neighborhood. I like it!! I feel good about responding to her and caring for her when she needs me.
But the problem is that she's growing out of the bassinet. I'm excited and sad about that. And not ready for her to move to the crib full time. SOooo, I decided to let her nap during the day in the crib so we both can get used to it.
Yesterday was the first time I tried it!!! Hence the pictures. My mom said it was a big milestone. So I took pix!
She had a hard time falling asleep at first. When I laid her down, she just looked around like "Where am I???" I had to swaddle and rock her to sleep. Once she was asleep, she did great!!!

But she slept in the bassinet last night!!!! Maybe in a couple of weeks I will feel better about going all night. I have baby monitors but that does not make me feel better at this point. I want my baby close to me!! So sue me!!!