Saturday, May 8, 2010

My Dad and other stuff

Here's the skinny on Dad ~ he is going to move into a nursing home next week some time. That hurts so bad to even type. The facility is amazing and i know he will be well cared for there but it still is a very hard reality to look at. I know its for the best for both of Dad and Arlene and that Dad will be safe there. Arlene is having an exetremely difficult time dealing with it. Please pray for them!!!! I can't begin to fathom what Arlene is going through but I know my Daddy God knows and will help make the transition as smooth as He can. I keep begging Him to help them both. The place is called the Heritage Manor ~ check out their website if you want ~ its and Dad will be in their Secured Care Unit (SCU) for Alzheimer’s/Dementia residents. So he will be safe and Arlene and all of us can breathe a sigh of relief that Dad will be safe.

In other news: we got a puppy!!!! She is a mini schnauzer and Rachel is in love with her. We named her Ema after her mommy (Emily) who was hit by the mailman when Ema was 5 weeks old. She is incredibly sweet and cute and suprisingly easy to train so far. Rachel is learning to pick her up and loves to carry her to us. Its awesome that Rachel will grow up with both of her dogs: Sadie and Ema.

Jeremy says "No more pets!" I agree!!!! But i love my dogs!!! Thank You Daddy!!!


Beth said...



Mommy Mere Pete said...

thanks for letting me know you stopped by!!!