Tuesday, May 18, 2010

update on my Dad

***Beth ~ you have already read this ~ sorry******

Yesterday was the day Dad was to go live in the nursing home. But last night I got this email from my biggest brother about Dad's status. PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR HIM AND MY STEPMOM, ARLENE. Thanks!!!

Well, just prior to our 10am appt to bring Dad to Heritage Manor, they called with the news that his roomate (all rooms in this unit are semi-private) was on his deathbed and had his family gathered. Obviously, we opted not to admit him today. So I will keep you updated.

On another note, the progression is so unbelievable, I now believe he may be in a wheelchair by the end of the month. His balance has been off and tonight, he fell at the house and neither he nor Arlene could get him back to his feet. I drove over and picked him up but his balance is still way out of whack. He is shuffling instead of walking and because of his condition, he has a tendency to lean backward (his neurologist had prepared us for this) which makes a walker ineffective. Ultimately, he will not be able to stand. His speech continues to decline to the point where it is unintelligible now. The most I get out of him is a couple of words at a time. It is truly disheartening.

If there is one silver lining, it is that I think in his current mental state, he may not be resistant to moving to the nursing home. Previously, he had moments of lucidity where he was coherent and his neurons were firing on point. I don't see any of this anymore, which is a blessing to me. I hate to think that he would "come to" and find himself in a strange place surrounded by strangers.

I want him to be with us as long as possible but if its in a vegatative state with no quality of life and no recollection of loved ones or his surroundings, I hope God takes him. That is a hard thing to type, much less think.


Lump of Clay said...

So sorry for the difficult news!
I will definitely be praying for all of you.

Mommy Mere Pete said...

thanks so much Mom!!! i posted this for you to see what's going on with him!

I love you!!!