So . . . . on Wednesday around 5:30, I started having strange feelings in the baby area. Then they progressed to contractions and continued to come on a pattern. OK . . . here we go, it's BABY DAY!!!!! I'm all emotional and fussing at Jere to do this and that as I pack my bag (hadn't done that yet) to take the Birth Center. And the pains keep happening . . . around 7:15 we decide to start recording them ~ 45 sec and 10 min apart. HERE WE GO!!!! We are having a baby tonight!! I call my mom, Bethy, Dr. Amber (our chiro who will be there when we have her), and . . . any one else under the sun that I can think of . . . .hey its BABY DAY!!!! Jere passes out around 11pm but I cannot sleep if my life depended on it. I'm up and clocking my contractions. My midwifes, Melanie and Katherine, say to wait till contractions are 5 minutes apart lasting for 60 seconds for an hour to call. SO. . . .I'm still keeping track as Daddy sleeps. I am sitting on the toilet in case my water breaks I don't want to clean THAT mess up for about half an hour clocking my contractions. SO at 1 am they have met the CALL KATHERINE QUOTA!!!!! I call and she said to get some sleep and call back when they are 3 minutes apart!!! WHAT???!!!?????? Ok, so I lay down and pretend to rest (that's all I can do) for an hour and a half. Then I take a candle lit shower at 2:30 am (I forgot to mention the PB and J sandwich at 1 am!! Hey, I was hungry!!!) and call Katherine back at 2:45 with the new status report of 3 minutes apart. She tells me to time the next few and call her right back. OK . . .I clock them and its 3 minutes apart. So she says lets meet at the Birth Center!! I wake up Daddy and say its time to go . . . call Mom, Bethy, and the beloved Dr. Amber to pass on the news. We get to the Center just as Katherine gets there. We go back to check my cervix (I was sure it had to be at least 3 or 4 cm dialated) and . . . its still a 1 and thick!!! Katherine sent us home ~ VERY SAD!!! It was supposed to be BABY DAY!!!! But I was wrong :-( Guess Rachel is not ready after all!!!
BTW ~ Jere did call Mom (coming from Katy) and Dr Amber, and I called Bethy to let them know the new news.
The picts are:
top: when they started happening and I was a basket case (that's how I've been lately),
middle: when we came home without our little girl (at 4 am),
bottom: Daddy after coming home without his little girl (at 4 am)!!
AND SO WE WAIT . . . . .