Friday, December 19, 2008

My mommy's heart

My little love has gotten her first cold ~ and my heart was broken. Let me explain. On Wednesday, Rachie started breathing very wierd. She sounded like an 80 year old who had smoked for 60 years as she tried to breathe. And I couldn't get any crud out with the nose sucker. The goo was just stuck in there ~ tormenting her. Dr Amber listened to her chest and said it sounded like she might be fighting her first cold. Okay, I thought. But then Wednesday night came. And let me tell you ~ my sweet baby couldn't sleep. That's logical, if you can't breathe, you can't sleep. She could, however, cry and she did. I did what I could to help her get some rest. But she didn't fall asleep until 11ish and was up about 4 times before her 4 o'clock feeding.

My heart hurt SOOO bad to see her in pain. I wanted to cry with and for her. And I felt helpless ~ I could not make it better for her. But I wanted to.

As I going through this, the Father's heart was being revealed to me. You see, Daddy God had to watch His Son in great pain and He could not do anything to make it better. In fact, Daddy and Jesus had agreed for Jesus to go so we could be reunited to Daddy. Jesus and Daddy knew what Jesus would go through. But I've come to realize that Daddy went through great pain as well ~ like the pain I was in as I watched my baby struggle to breathe and cough. Daddy's heart was broken over Jesus and my baby.

He felt my pain with me on Wednesday night and Thursday. My Rachie was His long before she was mine and she still is His. Rachie has been with the Trinity since the dawn of creation waiting for Jere and me to become her parents. She got to talk to Daddy and Jesus and He imparted her characteristics. He told her of what she would become and gifted her with those abilities. My little love has already been given a path to walk from her Daddy God. It is my goal as her parent on this planet to teach her to follow the path that her Daddy told her of long ago. No wait, it's not my goal, its my job. One that I do not take lightly. It's a great gift and joy and responsibility to seek out the giftings in my little love. It's my part to play in eternity ~ I beg Daddy that I will play it well and as He wants me to.

So, yesterday, D'Ana went and got me ALJ, baby vick's rub, baby saline, and loaned me her humidifier for my sweet girl. I set about to giving her the ALJ (a homeopathic supplement that's like a natural antibotic and helps with the respiratory system) about every 2 hours. I also started the nasal saline and nose sucking and vapor rubbing. I plugged in the humidifier and held her as much as she wanted me to. And last night was MUCH better. She had trouble falling asleep but was asleep around 9:30 or 9:45. She did wake up about 2ish but I gave her the pacifier and more ALJ and did the nose sucker and she went back to sleep. She slept much better. She woke up to eat about 6:30 and ate well. She does not sound as bad as she breathes either. She is getting better and I pray that she is better by tomorrow. I think she will be.

Tomorrow we go to my mom's for our Christmas time and we are going to pierce her ears!!! I can't wait ~ even though I'm nervous!! We are going to put pearls in her ears ~ when I go my ears pierced my mom put pearls in them!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

I'm tired today

Yep ~ that's right ~ I'm tired. I think I will sit with Jenna today and relax as we watch movies, go to sleep when all 3 of the kids are asleep, and basically lounge around. I've been doing a lot these past few days and now I feel it. SO today I will rest and play with kids!!! That's the best!! I love it!!!

In other news, I discovered a great Christmas gift that I can give to many people and it doesn't cost more than about 10 bucks!! I'm very excited about it!! And Auntie Kelly bought my Roo a Christmas dress!!! She said it was red velvet!! I can't wait to see it!!!!

Happy day!!! I love you all!!!


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My Megan is 10 today!!

That's right ~ one of Rachie's big sisters (she has 3, by the way) is 10 years old today!!! Here she is (at about 6 I think)!! The top pict is my favorite of Megan ever!!! God has used her and her family to change my life countless times!!! I'm so glad Meggie is in my life!!! I love you, Big Girl!!! Happy 10th Birthday!!!! Hey, 10 on the 10th ~ its your golden year!!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen ~ we have TEETH on the way

That's right ~ my suspicions were confirmed on Sunday when G G said she saw a tooth coming in Rachie's mouth!!!!! WOW says the crowd ~ she's young for that!!! The tooth has not actually broken through the gums but its getting close. Also, I cut teeth early ~ got my first one the day before I turned 3 months and the second the day after 3 months. So it seems my little love is taking after her mommy!!! What fun ~ here we go!!!!

The newest stuff and I cry a lot

Here we are in the house ~ yippeeeee!!!!!!!!! Its amazing and we love it!!! Soooooo much space!!!! We have almost everything up and put away.

Its also Christmas ~ that's VERY happy for me!!!! However, we are broke and I didn't think we would be able to get a tree ~ sad.

See, I love a real tree and hate a fake one. Its all because when I was about 14 we were having a very hard year as a family. Mom said we weren't going to decorate. I told Mom that I didn't care how old I got we NEEDED to decorate. Then a few days later I saw a REAL tree on the back porch and ran out to it and cried as I smelled it. Somehow, that tree brought great healing to me.

Since I've lived on my own I've had a real tree. But like I said, we are broke. In despiration for a tree, yesterday I started looking around the house for a fake tree of my Granny's but didn't have time to search very hard (three kids to care for and all). Then about 10 till 11 the doorbell rang ~ that's strange wasn't expecting anyone. I open the door to see a REAL TREE and Tim comes from around it and says "Christmas tree for you!!!" I start crying and of course let him in!!! My Daddy God is the BEST!!!

See, when I was a kid and my mom cried, it was a big deal. Mom doesn't cry ~ something was wrong. However, I cry ALL THE TIME, it seems. SO I can see my Rachie at 4 or 5 calling Jere saying "Daddy, Mommy is crying AGAIN!!!!" May it be a great memory for her ~ her mommy crying for joy over her!!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

two months old!!

Look at my baby!!! This was yesterday on her 2 month birthday!!! Isn't she the most beautiful?!!!! Its so amazing having her!!! I'm glad God blessed us with her ~ my little touch from heaven!! I cherish each day!!!

Nap time in my house

Nap time last Friday . . . . . . .

Sleeping . . . .

Sleeping . . . . .

Sleeping . . . . .
And me???? Awake with Baby Abby ~ fun stuff

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Yesterday . . .

was a BIG day!!! I started working as a full-time babysitter to Julie's two youngest kids!! It was a fun and busy day for me.

But wait ~ there's more, much more!!!

Jere has been outta work since Halloween and been searching frantically. He got TWO jobs yesterday ~ that's right TWO!!! They will work together ~ his morning job will be at Conroe Hospital in the food service area. His night job will be delivering pizzas to hungry folks for Papa John's a few nights a week!!!

Then . . . . . . . . .

Our lease is up in our apartment and we were going to renew it. BUT my Granny has a house that's been on the market for about a year. She moved into a retirement home and has been trying to sell her house all this time with no action. It was my mom's boyfriend's idea for us to see if we could rent her house. SO I asked her yesterday AND (drum roll please!!) she said we could move in for what we are paying for our apartment!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO we are moving into a house over the next three weeks!!!! The house is three bedrooms and three bathrooms!!! It is so big that we might not use half of it!!!

We are so grateful and praising the Lord for the blessings of yesterday!! He is sooooo good and takes care of us!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

I have relief

I know my niece's name now!!! Her name is Meara Bell!! I like it a lot and I feel better knowing her name now!!! Josh and Shannon are very different than Jere and me ~ we already have our future other children named!!! Rachie was named about two or three years ago!!!! Happy day!!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Daddy's Girl

Jere is the BEST Daddy on the planet!! He loves his girl sooooooo much!! He is forever taking pictueres of her!! It's so beautiful!!!

My little sumo

We are in the top position VERY often during the day!!! Can you tell???

We have a new Pete

Josh and Shannon had their baby yesterday!!! She weighed 7 lbs 5 oz and was 20 in long!!! Josh delivered her!!!! Check his blog for the full story and other updates ~

They have not named her yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going bonkers about that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Name that beautiful baby and tell her Aunt Mere Pete ~ Promise I won't tell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Call me a super hero

Rachie is 7 weeks old today!!! Last Wednesday we went to my 6 week check up at Nativiti. Rachie weighed 9 pounds 13 ounces!!! I feel like a super hero ~ I'm solely nursing her!!!

When she was born she was 7 pounds, a week later she was 6 pounds. My pedi was concerned about her weight at that point. The next week (when she was 2 weeks old) she weighed 6 lbs 15 oz. Two weeks later (a month old) she was 8 lbs 4.5 oz. My pedi was no longer concerned about her weight and called Rachie Ms. Piggy!! Then she was 10 lbs with clothes at 6 weeks!!!

So like I said, I have reached super hero status. But I really am humbled by it ~ I prayed throughout my pregnancy about being able to nurse successfully!!! God has truly blessed me and answered my prayers!!!! I have had NO problems at all!! Thanks Jesus!!! This Mommy LOVES taking care of her baby and hubby!!! Life is truly good ~ I really got the BEST!!! Jesus, Jere, and Rachie ~ that's what its all about for Mommy Mere Pete!!!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


"This is nice!! Thanks, Mommy!!"
"I don't want to be cute right now!!!"

Rachel is getting into a schedule sorta. She gets up somewhere between 7 and 9 am. Plays for a couple of hours, eats again, and falls back asleep after about twoish hours. It gets bad when she's been up for more than three hours. She is tired and fights going back to sleep (WHY do babies do that??????) Well, today, she woke up at 8ish and played til about 10:30ish then got cranky. It took me until 11 to get her back to sleep.
Here are some picts from today. My baby is the cutest ever!!! Praise God for her!!!

Friday, October 31, 2008

5 weeks old!!!

These are from her month old birthday, Oct. 24th. She is 5 weeks old and I just posted her birth story. Rachel's first month was pretty good. She slept about 4 hours at a time at night and my cut is healing. Her Aunt Bethy spent the first week and a half with me during the day. She was a life saver to me. Our church family made dinner for us from the Saturday we got home to the next Tuesday night. God provided for us with a great temperory job for Jere. And breast feeding is going well. When Rachel was a week old, she went to her first appointment with Dr Stowe. She had lost a whole pound since her birth. Dr Stowe was concerned. I started feeding her every two hours and she gained 15 oz in a week. When we went for her one month check up, she weighed 8 lbs 4.5 oz!!! Dr Stowe called her Miss Piggy and said she was not concerned about her weight any more!! Good job, Mom!!!
Right after she turned a month old, she started sleeping about 6 hours a night!!! We are trying to get into a routine of bathtime before bedtime. Jere and I give her a bath together. It's fun!!!

The Birth of my Joy

Ok, so its 9 am on Tuesday September 23 and Jere is off. I'm standing in the kitchen doing something when all of a sudden I pee on myself. Or as Melanie put it, dropped the pickle jar ~ Translation? My water broke!! Here we go to have a baby!!! Sooo, I call Melanie and tell her. She asked if I was having contractions and I tell her no. She said to wait til 1 pm to start having contractions. If I'm not, i am to take caster oil!! UGH!! Melanie tells Jere what to get from the store as I get out the stuff to make cookies from scratch. Jere goes off to the store. I stay home to get into my birth project, the cookies. I happily make double chocolate chip cookies and leak fluid all over myself after calling the important folks.
It's 12:20 and no regular contractions. So, we head to Dr Amber's office after getting Aunt Bethy. Dr Amber started acupuncture after the caster oil so we can get this show on the road. And we spend a couple of hours at Dr Amber's office. We walk around the office buildings, as I leak fluid on myself. I take a second dose of caster oil and more acupucture. Few contractions, nothing to write home about or call Melanie. My mom has made it to the Woodlands so we decide to go to the Woodlands Mall for more walking and leaking. Note to self: Next baby, use Depends!!!

It's 3:30ish and we meet Mom and Eugene (Mom's new beau) at the mall. Some contractions and bad shoes!! And we walk, walk, walk. Stop to get snacks and go to Motherhood for clean undies and new shorts. Really, next baby, I'm getting Depends to leak on!! That was the third time I needed to change clothes since this whole thing got started.
At around 4:30ish, Mom and I run off to find me better shoes for all this walking. I was having contractions and we were recording them. By this point, Uncle Jme has met us at the mall. Jere has a minor hissy fit when Mom and I go off alone but he is okay with it.

We were back around 5ish. And Mom and Eugene are going back to Katy to await a call that its time to come back. I start having regular contractions around that time. Jere, Jme, and Bethy are timing, writing, and following the progress as I contract. Still at the mall, still leaking on myself ~ next baby DEPENDS!!! I've started stopping when a contraction comes because of the pain. Someone holds my hand and lets me squeeze sometimes.

Around 6:45ish we call Melanie and she says to head to the Birth Center!! We get there about 7 pm. Melanie hooks me up to monitors and checks me. I'm dialated to a 3. UGH!! After all that!! Oh, yeah! I make a huge wet spot on her exam table. Melanie asks me "What did you DO??" with a smile. She says I can stay and gets my room ready.

Bethy, (Jme left when we headed to the birth center) Jere, and I go to the Mary Breckenridge room at Nativiti. Its the room with the bigger bathtub so I can be turned to fit in it. I walk around after changing clothes again. This time, I put on the tank top that we got for this occasion. It all gets blurry around this time. I know that I walked, sat on the birth ball, and wanted to get into the water but was told I couldn't yet. Megan (our birthing class teacher) comes in to be with me as I contract. Another mom has come in that needs Melanie. Megan stays with me. At some point, I'm allowed to get into the water and we call Dr Amber. Dr Amber comes with acupuncture needles and her punchy thing in hand. This is around 11 or 12 midnight. I contract in the water with the jets on for a little while. When a contraction comes, I reach for someone's hand and lean forward into the pain. I breathe through the contractions til its over. Jere was amazing through all this!! After the contraction, I get a cold, wet washcloth put on my face. That feels good!!

I know that I was checked by Melanie at 1 am and I was dialated to a 6 or 7. Jere or Bethy calls my mom. Mom gets there when I'm still in the water. Bethy leaves the room. And I contract in the bathtub for a little while longer. Then Megan tells me to get out of the water. I do and we try other things that I can't remember. The birthing rocking chair, the birth ball, etc.
At about 4 ish, Melanie checks me again. I'm still at a 6 or 7 and Rachel is effaced to a negative 2. That means I have not progressed in three hours. Melanie tells me that she will give me an hour and if things have not changed, we are going to the hospital!! My heart sags and I get scared!! The first thing I think about going to the hospital is c-section. My contractions slow as Megan tries jasmine oil on my belly. Megan tells me to not fear what Melanie said. She says that my body has been contracting all night wonderfully and now its slowed because of my imaginary fear. (Dr Amber, Mom, and Eugene left before Melanie tells me this. Bethy is on the couch in the birth center. The other mom has had her baby around midnightish.) Around 5ish in the morning, Jere and I are told to get some rest. So I pretend to between irregular contractions and take a shower somewhere around 6ish. Jere calls the post office to tell them he can't start training today around 7ish.

Katherine comes in about 7:20ish and checks me. I have made no progress. Still dialated to a 7 and effaced to a negative 2. Katherine and Melanie (my beloved and trusted midwives) tell me and Jere that I need to go to the hospital. My heart screams NO NO NO!!! However, my beloved husband says he just wants a healthy baby and wife. We trust our midwives and agree to go to the hospital. Melanie goes home (she was up all night) as Katherine makes the necessary calls to the coordinating ob/gyn and the hospital. Jere and I tell the news to Dr Amber and Mom.
We follow Ketherine to St. Luke's around 8ish with Mom, Eugene, and Dr Amber. As we are on the way to the hospital I resign to the need of an epidural. I'm exhaused and heart broken and hurting terribly.

We check in the hospital around 8:30ish. The nurse that Katherine called named Leah checks me and says that I'm at an 8. Then Katherine and Dr Amber leave. Dr Eckheart comes in a little later and checks me. He says I'm a 6 or 7. He orders pitocin and leaves. I get the epidural and start the pitocin. Kelly and Chris show up. Kelly and Chris start praying ferociously, like they always do. Jere topples over and cries his heart out for about two minutes as they take authority in the spirit relm. Jere has been so amazing through all this!!! He was right by my side the whole way!! He's allowed to break down!! I TRULY got the BEST!!!

About 30 minutes after starting the pitocin, Leah comes back in the room with other folks and puts an oxygen mask on me. She says that Rachel's heart rate has dropped and she is taking me off the pitocin. Leah checks me again to find that I have gotten a fat lip on my cervix. I'm now at a 4 or 5. She tells me all this means that I will have to have a c-section she thinks. She said the final decision was up to the doctor but she was going to get me ready.

Leah leaves after shaving me and giving Jere the clothes for the OR. Another nurse comes in and starts the pitocin at a lower dose. But Leah comes back and wheels me down to the OR. This is about 11:15ish on Wednesday the 24th. My neck is hurting something aweful. In the OR, I'm by myself as there are tons of people prepping me. I keep asking for Jere and they tell me he can come in when the doctor comes. I'm begging someone to rub my neck. I can't feel anything below my breasts. They strap my arms down and give me more medicine and other stuff.

Finally, the doctor and my beloved come in. Jere stands behind me. I feel some wierd pulling and pressure. Lots of pressure, I say ow. They tell me to breathe. Then I hear crying and Dr Eckheart say "Its a girl!" I start crying and saying "That's my baby girl!! That's my baby girl!!" That's all I can say. "That's our baby, Jere!!"

There she was. All 7 pounds and 19 inches of her!!! She was born at 11:58am on Wednesday, September 24, 2008!! The day my life's joy was born!!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

The short form of it

We just got internet connection restored!! I'm going to write more later but for now ~ I HAD RACHEL!!! On September 24th at 11:58am. She was 7 pounds and 19 inches (how long I was when I was born!!)!! We are doing great!!

I'm sleepy and Rachie is sleeping so now's my chance for a nap!!!

Here she is . . .

Friday, September 12, 2008

Hurricane IKE

So, if you've been in a hole lately, you aren't aware that Mommy Mere and Daddy Jere Pete have a hurricane headed straight for us!!! SO what have we done in the way of preparation you ask??

Boarded up our windows?????

Filled our gas tanks????

Headed for Austin????

Filled the bathtub with water??? WHAT????? WHY DO THAT???? So that if we are without electricity for days on end we can use the water to flush the potty after we take care of business.

Bought an abundance of can foods and galllons and gallons of water??????

Had a baby?????? Not yet ~ she has decided to wait out the storm inside Mommy Mere's belly!! That's a good little girl, Rachel!!!

Some of those things we have in fact done. However, the biggest preparation work we've done is outlined here!!! What do you think???

What do you think of our Hurricane Cake???? Hey, IKE means laughter according to Pastor Mike!!!! So let's pray and wait and see what Daddy God will do in this storm to bring joy to His kids!!!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

In other news

My Dad is coming to town this weekend!!!! I can't wait to see him ~ I last saw him in December 0f 2006 when I graduated from college!!! We will also get to see my brother and sister in law!!! Haven't seen them since I was about 11 weeks preggo ~ I'm MUCH bigger now!!!!

I'm learning so much about my Daddy God too!!! He is showing me that He will take care of us and we are where He wants us to be dispite what the world says!!! I have decided to keep my eyes fixed on Him and not get distracted as Peter did (Matt 14). I realized that if it had been up to Jesus all His disciples would have stepped outta that stinking boat and walked on the water to Him. Hey, Jesus, what does it look like to dance on the water to You?????

Ummmm . . . Wednesday night

So . . . . on Wednesday around 5:30, I started having strange feelings in the baby area. Then they progressed to contractions and continued to come on a pattern. OK . . . here we go, it's BABY DAY!!!!! I'm all emotional and fussing at Jere to do this and that as I pack my bag (hadn't done that yet) to take the Birth Center. And the pains keep happening . . . around 7:15 we decide to start recording them ~ 45 sec and 10 min apart. HERE WE GO!!!! We are having a baby tonight!! I call my mom, Bethy, Dr. Amber (our chiro who will be there when we have her), and . . . any one else under the sun that I can think of . . . .hey its BABY DAY!!!! Jere passes out around 11pm but I cannot sleep if my life depended on it. I'm up and clocking my contractions. My midwifes, Melanie and Katherine, say to wait till contractions are 5 minutes apart lasting for 60 seconds for an hour to call. SO. . . .I'm still keeping track as Daddy sleeps. I am sitting on the toilet in case my water breaks I don't want to clean THAT mess up for about half an hour clocking my contractions. SO at 1 am they have met the CALL KATHERINE QUOTA!!!!! I call and she said to get some sleep and call back when they are 3 minutes apart!!! WHAT???!!!?????? Ok, so I lay down and pretend to rest (that's all I can do) for an hour and a half. Then I take a candle lit shower at 2:30 am (I forgot to mention the PB and J sandwich at 1 am!! Hey, I was hungry!!!) and call Katherine back at 2:45 with the new status report of 3 minutes apart. She tells me to time the next few and call her right back. OK . . .I clock them and its 3 minutes apart. So she says lets meet at the Birth Center!! I wake up Daddy and say its time to go . . . call Mom, Bethy, and the beloved Dr. Amber to pass on the news. We get to the Center just as Katherine gets there. We go back to check my cervix (I was sure it had to be at least 3 or 4 cm dialated) and . . . its still a 1 and thick!!! Katherine sent us home ~ VERY SAD!!! It was supposed to be BABY DAY!!!! But I was wrong :-( Guess Rachel is not ready after all!!!

BTW ~ Jere did call Mom (coming from Katy) and Dr Amber, and I called Bethy to let them know the new news.

The picts are:
top: when they started happening and I was a basket case (that's how I've been lately),
middle: when we came home without our little girl (at 4 am),
bottom: Daddy after coming home without his little girl (at 4 am)!!

AND SO WE WAIT . . . . .

Labor Day 2008

Here we are on Monday, September 1, 2008!!! I went to the midwife's office on Wednesday and she told me that on Thursday I would be 37 weeks and cleared for take-off!!!! We shall see what the little one decides to do from there!!!

Friday, August 29, 2008

I just keep getting bigger . . . and I didn't think that I could!!!

The bigger ones of me are from this Wednesday. I was smaller on June 12, 2008 but I THOUGHT I was big back then!!! I had not seen anything yet!!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Mommy Mere Pete's newest talent

This is the third time that I have tried to post this blog. I've tried to add a video twice and it has not worked either time!! UGH!! You would have loved the video of my newest talent!!! Oh well!! Maybe I can email out the video if you want me to!!!! OR if you or someone you know is a techie, I would LOVE some assistance and direction in this department so I can post other videos of our Rachie-Roo (that's my newest nickname for her!! Who knows how long it will stick!!)

Mean while, back on the farm . . . here are some picts of my newest talent!! What do you think about it??? Let me know!!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Here I am!!!

Rachel is getting bigger and so is Mommy Mere Pete!!!!
SO. . . . I decided to create a blog for our little Rachel girl!!! I want to share pictures and updates about our progress here!!! These pictures are from the past two weeks!! As you can see from the picture at the bottom, I have gotten much bigger in this whole process!! Rachel is worth it!!!