This is my Lizzi girl with her Grandpa Henry!! That's Mommy's daddy!! We are going to stay with him all next week. He has a condition related to dimensia that has begun to affect his motor skills. It was only supposed to only affect his speech but he is going down hill fast. I plan to spend the whole week with him and helping my stepmom and making cookies!! It has been hard to realize that my children will never know my dad but Daddy God has helped me release him to Him by using the scripture Isa 30:15 "In returning and rest you shall be saved; in
quietness and confidence shall be your strength." Quietness and confidence also means utter trust ~ I can trust my Daddy God with my earthly dad and I do!!

Lizzi has discovered the joy in sucking on her Daddy's fingers!!! I love this picture!!

I'm sick of people asking if my little girl who is in ALL pink if she is a boy so we have started putting headbands on her!!!
I made the BEST cookies I've ever made yesterday!! Much excitement!!!